Tic Tac Toe

When I was in ELE 405 me and my partner Juan Salas designed this project of a robotic Tic-Tac-Toe. He created the board for this project using two bubble jet printer motors and bars. He connected one bar with another in such a way that when the motor on the red bar is turned on, it moves the entire green bar vertically. The green bar was connected to an electro-magnet, so it can pick up the iron X's and O's. When the motor on the green rod is turned on it moves the electro-magnet to the desired location horizontally. Thus creating a two directional arm that can pickup and drop the X’s and O’s.

The main part of this project was the CPU that we designs using Xlinx FPGA. We had to create instructions that turned the motor on/off and also to accept signals from the push buttons and sensors. This included Data Path, Multiplexers and many other things that we programmed on the FPGA through a software. We wrote our instruction commands using assembly language. After we downloaded the instructions on the chip we connected the processor to the game board and a phone keypad for inputting the signals for the target location (i.e. where the X’s and O’s are suppose to go). The CPU interprets the incoming signal from the keypad and moves the motors accordingly to the desired location. Overall this project took us two semesters to finish.

I have to give credits to my two friends who helps use bring this project together.

Hernani DeBaros (mechanics and electronics)
Artur Ribeiro (electronics and soldering external circuits)
Juan Salas (mechanics, electronics, coding and CPU design) - partner
Nirmal Intwala (coding and CPU design) - partner

Note: Actual project pictures coming soon...

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